Thursday, March 15, 2012

it's march 2012, and this is my 1st post this year! hah, sgt suke btangguh.. 2011 went well for me.. 2012, hopefully it will be better.. last year, abi, me & aqim went for a trip, from kl to putrajaya to kedah to perak to jerteh and then to our hometown, ganu kite.. the trip was a family trip actually, ma&ayah&moksu&ayohcik yg sgt sporting.. singgah menyinggah di umah adik beradik, sgt happening.. i'll post the pics some other time (lg btangguh, the pics are not with me rite now)..

oh, and aqim celebrated his 1st bday three times: 1) on 28/12/11 at maklong&ayahlong's place with a requested non-chocolate cake from maklong-blueberry cheese cake, 2) on 31/12/11 at a hotel in jerteh due to heavy rain on our way home with makann tapau yg lupe nk ambik sudu and tpaksa mkn guna sudu susu aqim hehe & ade bunga api la mlm tu, special weyh, 3) on 5/1/12 at aqim's aduhai sayang nursery with a choc cake made by kak diah, dadih made by ummi(it's me!) & kudap2an utk anak2 nursery packed with the help of abi & ade sesetengahnya sponsored by acik mas(thank u, thun dpn taja lg k) & kueytiaw made by ibu2 angkat aqim:liza, nurul, pn aisyah & nija.. sume abih, Alhamdulillah..

this year, i'm planning to be consistent in what i do & try my best to be a hot wifey super mommy!! (credit to u, darl) and also a great teacher hafizah(GTH!!).. hehhe.. i'll try to post pics k.. profile pic tu dh x valid.. heheh..


  1. hey darl..u have posted new yeay hehe..btw do post some pics soon key..would love to read more from you ;)

    k lah need to go to bed now..esok nk gerak balik kg at 4 am wohooo..hrp2 jaga awal nnti kiki..k nite :)

  2. haha! masih lg i yg dlu, suke sgt btangguh, konon2 nk post pics bile ade kt umah since the hdd ade kt umah, but still, xde lg.. huhu.. blogging does make me feel relaxed, tp itu la, masalah kendiri ni.. hahha! so how's your trip blik kg? i xblik dh hmpir 2bln darl, bile i free, sare de program, bile sare free, i plak yg de hal.. huhu.. but life goes on.. :)

  3. jgn lupa letak gambo hero itu...

  4. heheh.. ummi ni sokmo btangguh kliney weyh.. bakpe x tau.. :p
