Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{ review }

ari ni ntah nape, terasa mcm nk tngok blog yg lg 1, tp saya lupe pwordnye ape.. then i tred to recall the blog, and then, tadaaaaaa.. dh ble bace.. tp x syok sbb ade 2blog, susah nk manage.. that's why i decided to copy the content into this blog, but haven't started yet.. wait aaaaa.. i'll try nnti2.. :)

hmm.. pg td mse nk dtg sini, i almost met an accident.. everyday, i take +-20 min from my home sweet home to my workplace.. skang ni, jln tu dh ok, jln 2 lanes.. at some parts, die akn jd 3lanes sbb bg laluan utk keta yg buat u-turn.. tibe dkt 1 part ni, ade satu kete viva putih, die dr lane kiri, saya lane tengah, and there was another car on the right lane yg bru je ps buat u-turn.. si viva putih ni,bg signal, trus msuk lane tengah, tanpa tengok cermin sisi pn saya rse, saya hmpir langgar bontot die, tekan brek, sreeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt bunyi.. huh! xpuas ati btol.. nsib smpat brek.. pastu saya usha die, ble die usha saya blik.. the driver was a woman, and there was a man beside her at the passenger's seat.. saya potong die, pstu saya smpat tngok gune cermin pndang blakang, she took the right lane, and drove with a speed of 40km/h saya rase.. berbijik2 kete yg potong si viva ni gune lane kiri.. i do think that org mcm ni, menyumbang kpd kemalangan jgak w/pon org kata bwak slow lg elok dr bwak laju.. slow btempat la.. klu nk slow, dok belah kiri, org pn xmarah.. saya pn skang ni cuba nak bhemah d jalanraya, dh x speeding sgt cam dlu2.. klu saya slow, saya akn cube utk bg laluan pd kete yg lg laju.. tolerate, tu je snanye..

Thursday, March 15, 2012

it's march 2012, and this is my 1st post this year! hah, sgt suke btangguh.. 2011 went well for me.. 2012, hopefully it will be better.. last year, abi, me & aqim went for a trip, from kl to putrajaya to kedah to perak to jerteh and then to our hometown, ganu kite.. the trip was a family trip actually, ma&ayah&moksu&ayohcik yg sgt sporting.. singgah menyinggah di umah adik beradik, sgt happening.. i'll post the pics some other time (lg btangguh, the pics are not with me rite now)..

oh, and aqim celebrated his 1st bday three times: 1) on 28/12/11 at maklong&ayahlong's place with a requested non-chocolate cake from maklong-blueberry cheese cake, 2) on 31/12/11 at a hotel in jerteh due to heavy rain on our way home with makann tapau yg lupe nk ambik sudu and tpaksa mkn guna sudu susu aqim hehe & ade bunga api la mlm tu, special weyh, 3) on 5/1/12 at aqim's aduhai sayang nursery with a choc cake made by kak diah, dadih made by ummi(it's me!) & kudap2an utk anak2 nursery packed with the help of abi & ade sesetengahnya sponsored by acik mas(thank u, thun dpn taja lg k) & kueytiaw made by ibu2 angkat aqim:liza, nurul, pn aisyah & nija.. sume abih, Alhamdulillah..

this year, i'm planning to be consistent in what i do & try my best to be a hot wifey super mommy!! (credit to u, darl) and also a great teacher hafizah(GTH!!).. hehhe.. i'll try to post pics k.. profile pic tu dh x valid.. heheh..