Wednesday, October 3, 2012

he's growing

it has been 2 months since I last blogged myself.. huargh! fail sguh bab time management.. so many things happened.. yg pstinye lil hero is growing, and he is sooooooo menarik hati!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

[ PuraKiki ]

last week i bought two purakiki bottles for my lil aqim.. sbenarnye sy memang dh lme bhasrat utk bli purakiki/organickidz bottles utk aqim, tp slalu tertangguh.. this time, i surfed the internet, place order, made payment & that bottles arrived a day later.. i was very happy when i received the parcel the day after i made the order.. bukak2 je, i realized that die tsilap bg, i asked for the ones with teats, not sippy spout.. then i texted her, informing that die dh tsilap bg.. she asked whether i would like to change, bile pikir2 blik, nnti nk kne courier lg, i've decided to buy separate teats kt infant store, xyah anta blik kpd si pjual.. lgpon, why don't i give it a try, sy terpikir cmtu..

when i reached home, i showed the bottles to lil aqim, memang happy la die, siap dh try 2 wlaupon xde susu pn dlm tu.. when i opened the second set of bottle, silicone cap nye plak xde.. so i texted her and she said that she'll post the silicone cap to me nnti.. sy ok je, as long as she is willing to give me the cap.. sy pon g basuh ngn air suam.. biasenye sy steril botol dgn cara letak dlm boiling water, tp kali ni, sy cuci ngn air suam because according to the pamphlet inserted together with the bottle, it is said that it would be better to wash with air suam utk elakkan warna tertanggal..

nak rasmikan botol baru, sy trus buatkn susu utk aqim, tp sy xreplace sippy spout tu ngn teat, nk tngok aqim ble x mnum gne bnde tu.. he tried, tp bile nk kuakn sippy spout tu dr mulut, abih tersembur kua smpai meleleh2 atas bju.. heheh.. xreti lg la tu.. xpelah, mungkin sippy spout tu ble gune bile aqim dh besar sket..

mlmnye, sy perasan mcm ade karat dekat die nye gegelang leher botol tu.. lg satu botol okay.. mule2 ingatkn salah tngok, sy belek punye belek punye belek, sah, memang karat.. sy trus msg si pjual, informing the condition.. she replied, smbil mntak2 maaf.. she asked me to send back the bottle to her and she will post a new one for me together with the silicone cap that she forgot to include earlier.. huhu.. i am now thinking, should i ask for pengurangan bayaran since i have to pay for the postage plak.. should i, or shouldn't i?

p/s : i'll post the pics of the bottles later, InsyaAllah..

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

-- syahdu --

last night, aqim was playing with makanan udang when suddenly he dropped the bottles and hasilnye, abis bertaburan atas lntai.. en. suami marahkan si kecik ni, & i was shocked that he didn't cry.. biasenye, aqim memang akn nangis bile kne marah.. he sat silently, and i was between him & en. suami.. sambil2 lecture si kecik, tangan abi kutip makanan yg btaburan tu.. dlm stengah minit cmtu, aqim gerak ke dpn sket, trus en. suami 'haiiiipppppp'.. akur, he sat & watched what en. suami was doing.. lepas tu, die buat gaya mengutip jugak, tp xberganjak dr tmpat duduk, as if he was helping abi kutip.. oh, syahdunye rase.. i couldn't help myself, bgenang jugak la air mate tngok die cmtu.. pstu sy kuis en. suami, bile en. suami tngok je si kecik buat cmtu, trus kendur suara 'adik nk tlong abi kutip? meh sini meh..' dgn semangatnye, aqim gerak ke dpn & kutip sume yg btaburan tu.. then en. suami ckap 'haaa.. cmni la abi sayang..' sgt syahdu bile tengok 2 beranak ni.. tu la yg dikatakan marah2 syg..

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

oh! si kecik dibotakkan!!

last sunday, i was at the kitchen when suddenly i heard my lil hero merengek.. saya secara automatiknye 'bang, tlong tngokkan anak'.. en suami pn balas, 'syg la kua tngok anak ni'.. kua2 je, 'ala bang.. nape abg gondolkan anak?????????' en suami mcm biase la, sengih je.. huhu.. he knows that i'm not into fesyen botak ni, but he claimed that our son looks macho.. what do u think?

p/s: sorry for the blurry pics, i was using the 3.2 megapix camera of my 'smartphone'.. wakakakaka!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

[ Yang Sangat Tak Ternilai ]

looking at aqim's pics, there's a feeling menusuk masuk ke dlm jiwa raga saya.. siapa sangke, saya ini bgelar ummi kpd seorg hero! ketika saya dapat tau saya pregnant, mase tu tgh top cerita adamaya, yg mne episodnye adalah lisa surihani pregnant.. pg esoknye, sy bmimpi sesuatu, & kebetulan pula, i have decided earlier to do upt that day.. and Alhamdulillah, there were 2 lines :)

i did not know how to tell my parents about me being pregnant.. but after thinking, xkire mcm mne skalipon saya xtau carenye, saya masih mahu bkongsi kegembiraan ini.. so i called my ma&bat, sisters & texted my brothers.. i shared the news with kwn2 di ofis..

the pregnancy period was alright for me.. sedikit lenguh2 bdn, sedikit loya2, sedikit pening2, saya masih beruntung jika dbandingkn dgn sesetengah ibu mengandung yg lain.. i managed to perform my Ramadhan ibadah for one full month, Alhamdulillah.. sehingga hari2 saya hampir melahirkan, saya masih berupaya solat dlm keadaan berdiri.. Alhamdulillah, Allah mengurniakan saya kelebihan2 itu..

my due date was on 24/12/2010.. when i continued my study, i did the monthly check at private clinics, and there was a doc who claimed that the due date was wrongly determined, it should be 22/12/2010.. saya cuak ketika itu, memandangkan saya masih ada Final Exam on that date.. saya hanya bertawakal padaNya, Ya Allah, mintak2 la aku selamat balik ke terengganu utk bsalin.. btw, dr awal lg, saya sudah set in mind utk melahirkan anak di terengganu instead of pahang.. i don't know why, tp memang saya sudah ada plan sebegitu..

kisah nak bertolak balik ke terengganu pun agak melucukan.. my hubby was with me all the time mse blaja, kebtulan pula ketika itu musim cuti sekolah.. bat sibuk call sana sini tanye flight mane yg masih membenarkan penumpang sesarat saya ini utk naik ke awan biru (xde bat.. dorg xsanggup dah.. that was what i told bat) then, we've come to a decision, blik dgn kereta, ma & brother came along in case something happens on the way to terengganu.. we arrived safely.. tunggu punye tunggu punye tunggu, sampai la 30/12/2010, anak saya masih lg belum menunjukkan tanda2 mahu keluar.. smpaikan my sister mengusik, ni msti nak masuk paper, baby tahun baru.. i was relaxed, xde pikir ape2.. mungkin dsebabkan saya banyak bcakap dgn anugerah Allah ini spy tunggu sehingga saya habis exam dulu, bru keluar, jd si kecik ini mendengar kata.. hehe..

31/12/2010, i realized that there was a blood strip.. i mentioned about it to my hubby & ma, and ma asked whether it hurts.. x, sikit pon x sakit ketika itu.. so we went to mok's (ni nenek saya) house and had breakfast together.. memang sudah plan breakfast beramai2 kat umah mok.. kami adik-beradik suka memeriahkan umah mok yg jaraknye more or less 30 mins trip from our home.. the agenda was eating chatting eating chatting.. tetibe je saya rasa mcm sakit d bahagian perut.. saya masih lg buat xtau, berbaring sekejap.. kemudian sakit tu dtg lg.. saya masih lg tenang.. mok dah perasan, kemudian asked me to baring je.. oh, inikah contraction?

hampir tengahari, kami blik ke umah ma, saya masih ingat, it was friday, & my hubby needed to perform solat jumaat.. he asked me whether i wanted to go to hospital, but i said it's ok, kite pegi lpas abg blik solat lah.. then my hubby blik, i said, no need la bang, kte pegi mlm kang eh.. tup2 pkul 5+-, saya dah mcm sakit sgt, trus decum ke hospital.. smpai ke hospital, register sgala bagai, and once again, doc ckap my due date was wrongly determined.. huhu.. +rupanye ade sesuatu yg xlengkap, so i need to go for a scanning.. kne bjalan pegi bilik scan, & mase tu memang dh sangat sakit..

pastu after being confirmed that there was no problem, the doc nak cek laluan sbb katenye mse scan td, baby's position tu mcm nak keluar sgt2 dah.. cek2, msih lg xlepas.. but i was sent to labour room straightaway wlaupn blom ckup syarat..

1st labour room was fully occupied, 2nd labour room - no one.. i was put there, & kebetulan mase tu time dorg tuka shift.. tinggal sorg je nurse, and she was not in a good mood.. nak dijadikan cerita, sume machine dlm bilik tu abih bateri, person in charge yg sblomnye xrecharge dlu sblom abih waktu kje (ni yg saya denga nurse tu bebel sorang2).. saya dah x tahan, my hubby was called to come in.. memang dh xtahan smpaikan kne marah dgn nurse tu, tp bile die dtg cek, die plak yg mcm kelam-kabut.. rupa2nya baby memang dh nak kua.. push push push, then nurse cakap ok, baby dh kua.. i stopped pushing, skali nurse cakap, eh kne push lg, bdn baby blom kua lg.. sy plak cam, oh, blom abih lg, so dgn skali teran lg, ini la die anugerah Allah:

Muhammad Hasan Mustaqim bin Ahmad Syahril

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


it's hard not to have any expectation, and even harder when the actual condition does not meet the expectation.. i've been telling myself not to have this feeling, not to have that kind of expectation, not to be carried away.. but yet, i did not succeed, as i always do.. huhu..

i do hope that i can pull myself back in.. :(

+ positive & negative -

these past few days, i keep on thinking about what i have now.. ade positif, ade negatif.. the negative ones came across first actually.. i won't share yg negatif tu, what i want to share is the positive ones..

pesen sy ni, bile pikir negatif, sy akn cube utk neutralkn blik dgn pikir bnde yg positif, just to ease myself.. looking back at the moments when i was younger(chewahh.. cm dh tua sgt), sy jnis yg sgt xkisah sekeliling.. msuk kolej, i tend to do my own thing.. blaja kt hall kt meja study, sdangkn member len tgh borak kt meja mkn.. smpaikn ade satu mase, ade sorg member sy ni missed call sy, semate2 sbb nk gurau, nk cube ajak sy join the group, tp sy yg xberapa nk mesra alam ni, tngok hp, pstu letak blik, tanpa pndang pn member2 kt meja makan tu.. tu la tahap ketaksensitifan sy time tu.. hehe..

as time flew, i learnt many new things, and one of those is adapting in new environment is a must.. bukan bmaksud mengubah dri kita, tp menyesuaikan dri setakat yg kite mmpu.. and i m still trying actually, Alhamdulillah, ade progres nampaknye.. hihi..

perkongsian kte pd ari ni xsmpat abih, sbbnye it's almost 5.. i need to perform my asar prayer, and get back home to my lil hero.. my hubby is on his way home from attending a seminar in kl, yeay! InsyaAllah he'll arrive tonight at 8.. :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012


This was posted on Jan 7, 2010

~ depressed ~
being d youngest daughter in my family does give me many advantages.. but when it comes to my wedding, i feel like i'm neglected by my siblings.. **i'm disappointed.. really2..**

~ trying to hold on.. ~
i hav about 2 more weeks before my big day.. tp preparation mcm xmjadi sgt.. everything seems to b really challenging.. mule2 nk sewa bju sanding, but then my parents won't let me wear sumtin yg dedah2 n cekci2 sgt, n i couldn't find a bju yg menepati citarasa aku.. the final decision is dat: buy d ken.. tgh ari td g jakel, bli ken.. sok nta tailor.. mcm katun pn de gk.. hehe.. aku rse aku la bakal pengantin yg paling sempoi.. entah la.. aku pn cm kdg2 rse risau, n kdg2 rse cm nk bg je bnde ni jlan.. klu ok, Alhamdulillah.. but i can't.. dok t'ingat je.. **worried**

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{ review }

ari ni ntah nape, terasa mcm nk tngok blog yg lg 1, tp saya lupe pwordnye ape.. then i tred to recall the blog, and then, tadaaaaaa.. dh ble bace.. tp x syok sbb ade 2blog, susah nk manage.. that's why i decided to copy the content into this blog, but haven't started yet.. wait aaaaa.. i'll try nnti2.. :)

hmm.. pg td mse nk dtg sini, i almost met an accident.. everyday, i take +-20 min from my home sweet home to my workplace.. skang ni, jln tu dh ok, jln 2 lanes.. at some parts, die akn jd 3lanes sbb bg laluan utk keta yg buat u-turn.. tibe dkt 1 part ni, ade satu kete viva putih, die dr lane kiri, saya lane tengah, and there was another car on the right lane yg bru je ps buat u-turn.. si viva putih ni,bg signal, trus msuk lane tengah, tanpa tengok cermin sisi pn saya rse, saya hmpir langgar bontot die, tekan brek, sreeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt bunyi.. huh! xpuas ati btol.. nsib smpat brek.. pastu saya usha die, ble die usha saya blik.. the driver was a woman, and there was a man beside her at the passenger's seat.. saya potong die, pstu saya smpat tngok gune cermin pndang blakang, she took the right lane, and drove with a speed of 40km/h saya rase.. berbijik2 kete yg potong si viva ni gune lane kiri.. i do think that org mcm ni, menyumbang kpd kemalangan jgak w/pon org kata bwak slow lg elok dr bwak laju.. slow btempat la.. klu nk slow, dok belah kiri, org pn xmarah.. saya pn skang ni cuba nak bhemah d jalanraya, dh x speeding sgt cam dlu2.. klu saya slow, saya akn cube utk bg laluan pd kete yg lg laju.. tolerate, tu je snanye..

Thursday, March 15, 2012

it's march 2012, and this is my 1st post this year! hah, sgt suke btangguh.. 2011 went well for me.. 2012, hopefully it will be better.. last year, abi, me & aqim went for a trip, from kl to putrajaya to kedah to perak to jerteh and then to our hometown, ganu kite.. the trip was a family trip actually, ma&ayah&moksu&ayohcik yg sgt sporting.. singgah menyinggah di umah adik beradik, sgt happening.. i'll post the pics some other time (lg btangguh, the pics are not with me rite now)..

oh, and aqim celebrated his 1st bday three times: 1) on 28/12/11 at maklong&ayahlong's place with a requested non-chocolate cake from maklong-blueberry cheese cake, 2) on 31/12/11 at a hotel in jerteh due to heavy rain on our way home with makann tapau yg lupe nk ambik sudu and tpaksa mkn guna sudu susu aqim hehe & ade bunga api la mlm tu, special weyh, 3) on 5/1/12 at aqim's aduhai sayang nursery with a choc cake made by kak diah, dadih made by ummi(it's me!) & kudap2an utk anak2 nursery packed with the help of abi & ade sesetengahnya sponsored by acik mas(thank u, thun dpn taja lg k) & kueytiaw made by ibu2 angkat aqim:liza, nurul, pn aisyah & nija.. sume abih, Alhamdulillah..

this year, i'm planning to be consistent in what i do & try my best to be a hot wifey super mommy!! (credit to u, darl) and also a great teacher hafizah(GTH!!).. hehhe.. i'll try to post pics k.. profile pic tu dh x valid.. heheh..